OBJECTIVE 4. Build capacity for the conservation of alpine plant species and associated habitats


Establish and strengthen networks, partnerships, associations and stakeholders for alpine conservation activities at regional, national and international levels by 2030.

This Strategy urges botanic gardens to partner with institutions and appropriate stakeholders to strengthen plant conservation activities. Looking after North America’s alpine plants and habitats is a shared responsibility of professional and amateur botanists and horticulturists alike. Botanic gardens must take on the responsibility of championing diverse partnerships with governments, public agencies, academic institutions and individuals who all have a role to play in alpine plant conservation.


Currently recruiting partners to join the Alpine Strategy Network!


Only by working together across organizations and regions can we succeed. This target sets a goal for botanic gardens to collaborate with other stakeholders to strengthen conservation activities across all scales, including other gardens, universities, horticulturists, and the public. For example, are you collecting seed in the alpine for your research or collections? We want to know! We are setting up an Alpine Strategy Network to link interested people and organizations. If you are interested in participating, please contact the Alpine Strategy Coordinator at emily@bettyfordalpinegardens.org!