OBJECTIVE 3. Promote awareness of the alpine ecosystem and plant diversity through education and outreach


Incorporate the irreplaceable value of the North American alpine ecosystem and plant diversity into educational and public awareness programs at botanic gardens by 2025.

Communication, education, and the raising of public awareness about the importance of alpine plant diversity are critical for the achievement of all targets of the Alpine Strategy. This target is understood to refer to both informal and formal education at all levels. Target audiences include botanic gardens’ board members, staff, docents and volunteers as well as students, the general public, and policy makers. Consideration should be given to developing specific indicators to monitor progress toward overall achievement of the target.

Botanic gardens have an important role in raising public awareness about plant biodiversity loss and its potential effects on the alpine eco- system. Gardens have been shown to positively influence visitors’ environmental attitudes, where they expect to receive accurate, unbiased information. Multiple informational techniques should be used to meet the knowledge, interests and needs of visitors for greatest impact. Visitor conversations with staff and docents is especially important for dispersal of sound scientific information.

It is not enough to just inform visitors about the need for alpine plant conservation and the work being done by botanic gardens in this regard. Supplying pathways to be active in conservation projects is essential. An educated and motivated citizen can discern the accuracy of publicly distributed information and provide valuable personal support to conservation projects and organizations. Education and individual behavior are not sufficient to turn the tide on threats to alpine plant biodiversity and survival, however. Change must also occur at the legislative level. With education, environmental legislation can be proposed and supported by botanic gardens and citizens and, with their pressure, compel conservation actions by their legislators.


Currently underway!


Botanic gardens are uniquely positioned at the intersection of science and the public. Gardens help educate visitors about environmental issues through interpretive signage, events, exhibits, and more, and also happen to be beautiful places to visit. Here at Betty Ford Alpine Gardens, our passion is alpine plants and we love getting our visitors equally excited about this special ecosystem!